
Basket weaver villages
15 km south of Kratie

There are 3 basket weaver villages near Kratie. The biggest is the Cham village Chheu Teil Ploch with 4,000 villagers.

about 40 km from Kratie

This is a pre-Angkorian era settlement. The temples, among which is Wat Sorsor Muoy Roi temple of 100 columns contain several colourful murals that tell legends of nature, and other traditional Buddhist stories. The original structure is no longer standing, in its place is a reconstructed temple.

Town Museum
This place is almost never open
At the north end of the main town near the globe roundabout

If you are really keen, go see the Culture Ministry and they might open it up for you for an appropriate donation - say US$2 - though you'll be lucky to catch them in the office.